What is SQL Server?
SQL Server is a relational database management system ( RDBMS ) developed by Microsoft. In a very simple sense, it is a database system with which we can manage database elements such as tables, views, programming elements. SQL Server is currently the flagship database server offered by Microsoft. It is also an ideal tool for learning SQL due to its high compliance with the SQL standard. In literature, you can meet the nomenclature of SQL Server or MS SQL. These are different names used to denote this database server. We will use both of these names in this course. We will also refer to the so-called Transact-SQL (T-SQL), which is a SQL language extension for Microsoft database servers.
Why should I start learning SQL with SQL Server?
MsSQL provides an advanced database management environment designed for professional applications. High compliance with the SQL standard guarantees that learning SQL on this particular platform will also be useful for other technology vendors that use SQL. Most importantly, if you are using SQL Server for purposes such as training, testing, writing applications, you can use it for free in the Developer edition as well. SQL Server is quick and easy to install. The basic configuration should not cause problems for new users.
What is Transact-SQL (T-SQL)?
Transact-SQL or the so-called T-SQL is an extension of the standard SQL language enabling the use of basic constructs strictly related to the SQL Server database, as well as programming constructs based on a database such as variables, loops, conditional statements, triggers, etc. T-SQL extends SQL’s capabilities. Thanks to T-SQL, you can primarily automate work, apply exception handling and extend the capabilities of an database for your own applications. Compare to Oracle databases there is no clear distinction between the query language and the procedural language (ie. SQL and PL / SQL). Transact-SQL is the name of both SQL code and programming code.
SQL Server versions
At the present time, the latest version of the server is SQL Server 2019 . As part of the 2019 version, we have 4 basic editions to choose from:
- Express edition
- Developer Edition
- Enterprise edition
- Standard edition
In this MsSQL course, we will be using the Developer edition. All informations about where to download it is included in the following topisc of this course. The Express edition has limitations in terms of performance. However, there are no obstacles to complete the entire MsSQL course using the Express edition. Standard and Enterprise editions are paid. The Developer Edition has similar capabilities to the Enterprise Edition, so we are using the best software possible in this course. You can check any detailed differences in the 2019 editions on the Microsoft website: Microsoft
Who is this course for?
The SQL Server / MsSQL course has been written for users who want to learn SQL and Transact-SQL from scratch. In the course, we will discuss in details topics related to writing SQL queries and using this language in everyday work. The course contains a lot of information for both beginners and intermediate users. It is prepared for learning from beginner to advance user. If you have experience with SQL Server databases, you can treat this MsSQL course as a revision of the material. In this course, we learn how to write code, not how to click it.
Good luck!